Family Carers

Since its inception in 2006, the EAPC Reference Group for Family Carers has had the following aims:

  • Promote the development of high-quality research and scholarship to improve the wellbeing of family carers supporting patients towards the end of life.
  • Provide a platform for international networking and collaboration.

The Reference Group has facilitated international collaborations and produced several key publications. The Reference Group has around 100 registered members from all over the world, including: Australia, Canada, Denmark, Ghana, Ireland, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Portugal, Netherlands, Belgium and USA. The group has also enabled opportunities in the field by holding presentations, seminars and meetings at major international palliative care conferences.  

The EAPC Family Carer Reference Group is now also formally linked with the EAPC Task Force on Costs of Family Caregiving in Palliative Care.

group chairs family carers Clare Gardiner and Nick Dionne-Odom

The Reference Group is chaired by Clare Gardiner, Professor of Palliative Care, The University of Sheffield, UK and Nick Dionne-Odom, Associate Professor of Nursing, The University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA.