The European Task Force for Palliative Wound Care as part of European Association for Palliative Care wish to gain agreement on what should be included in a palliative wound care curriculum for clinicians. The final document will be made available to education bodies to help them design future curriculum in this area. We would like to ask you to contribute to this process so that the final document will be of value to educators, students, clinicians and ultimately for the care of patients requiring palliative wound care.
The survey has been reviewed and approved by the Research Ethics Committee in University of Galway and pilot testing has shown it takes about 12 minutes to complete. All responses are anonymous and will remain confidential and the final document will only report overall and not individual responses.
Finally, it is possible that you may receive this email through more than one mailing list and if that is the case then we apologise for the intrusion and thank you again for your assistance.
We have contracted with QuestionPro, an independent research firm, to field your confidential survey responses. Please click on this link to complete the survey:
Start Survey
Please contact georgina.gethin@universityofgalway with any questions.
Survey closing date 9 February 2024