Innovation in Nurse Education
We are delighted to let you know that the first 3 project resources are now available!
Over on the project website, you will find the Virtual Showroom. This is the project hub, where all of the project resources, tools and materials will be available as they are finalised. From here you can view and download them to use freely in your teaching. Each of the resources will be published in 5 languages: English, Dutch, Romanian, German and Finnish Suomi.
The first of the project tools to be released is the Palliative Debate (IO8). The concept of a palliative debate is a great way to get a feeling of the “stage” students are at regarding their palliative care thinking and palliative care attitude. You can access this series of graphic novels in the virtual showroom.
We would also like to invite you to sign up on our NursEduPal@Euro Community Forum The Forum is a platform to bring together palliative care nursing teachers in Europe and from around the world. The aim of the intranet is to encourage exchange of experiences and didactic materials used in educating undergraduate nurses in palliative care topics. Hopefully, the intranet will also be used as a tool to explore collaboration opportunities amongst higher education facilities and as a platform to make announcements that are relevant for palliative care education. Sign up here
The Task Force is chaired by Minna Hökkä, Senior Advisor, Diaconia University of Applied Sciences, Finland and Nicoleta Mitrea, Director of Nursing Practice, Education and Research, HOSPICE Casa Sperantei, Romania.